
This website is an ongoing personal project by Julia Kerr dedicated to the appreciation of the life and work of the British painter John William Waterhouse (1849-1917).

The primary objectives of this website are to:

  1. Offer an online archive of Waterhouse's works (paintings, drawings, sketches, studies).

  2. Provide biographical information, reproduction of out-of-print articles, along with articles created from original, previously unpublished research.

  3. Keep track of newly discovered paintings.

  4. Offer news of upcoming art auctions, exhibitions and events.

  5. Provide details of new books and scholarly articles.

  6. Give pointers on where to view Waterhouse's pictures in person.

  7. Act as a contact starting point if a website visitor should have any Waterhouse related questions.


The website is dedicated to the late Anthony Hobson, without whose research and books the creation of this website would not have been possible. I would also like to express my gratitude to the following people:


Works by J.W. Waterhouse are in the public domain. For commercial licensing, please contact Bridgeman Art Library or Art Resource.

Get in touch

Please visit the contact page if you have any questions.

How to support this website

There is no advertising on this website but if you'd like to contribute towards the running costs of the website, or help cover the cost of purchasing additional research material, then you're welcome to buy me a coffee!